Friends & Fans: Commission Schedule

Commission Chart by Product

Below are a few of the courses we offer that you can earn commission on:

Product Reg. Price Disc. Price Pts.
Workplace Fire Safety Certificate $19.95 $17.96 4 pts.*
Community CPR Certificate $39.95 $35.96 7 pts.*
Bloodborne for the Workplace Certificate $29.95 $26.96 6 pts.*
ProFirstAid Certificate $39.95 $35.96 7 pts.*
ProCPR Certificate $59.95 $53.96 11 pts.*
ProACLS Certificate $195.00 $175.50 35 pts.*
ProCPR Basic Certificate $39.95 $35.96 7 pts.*
Healthcare Ergonomics Certificate $19.95 $17.96 4 pts.*
California Compliant Bloodborne for Body Art Certificate $24.95 $22.46 5 pts.*
ProACLS Recertification Certificate $175.00 $157.50 32 pts.*
ProPALS Recertification Certificate $175.00 $157.50 32 pts.*
ProFirstAid Basic Certificate $39.95 $35.96 7 pts.*
Self Defense Certificate $29.95 $26.96 6 pts.*
ProFirstAid Advanced Certificate $59.95 $53.96 11 pts.*
Workplace Ergonomics Certificate $19.95 $17.96 4 pts.*

*Point values are approximate. Hover over commission for more information on how this is calculated.

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